Guelph-Wellington Locavores, there are 4 interesting and inexpensive workshops coming up that you might be interested in. Hosted by Kristi Mahy, they will be held at the Guelph Youth Music Centre, which is located at 75 Cardigan St. in downtown Guelph. Kristi is a local food enthusiast with a background in farming. If you would like more information about the course (other than what I am going to provide below), or you would like to register for a workshop, please contact Kristi at 519-265-8448. She can also be reached by email at
The cost of each session varies but when I contacted Kristi, she said that the prices will range anywhere from $7-15. Personally, I'm excited about the fact that I can attend and afford all four. Hope to see you there!
Plenty in a Small Space: Your Backyard as Your Food Source
Tuesday Feb. 23, 7-9pm
*Learn how to grow your own food during the summer, including starting seedlings, making the best use of small spaces, help with seed selection and garden planning.
Preserving the Bounty of Harvest Time
Tues, Mar 16, 7-9pm
*Learn how to preserve local foods by canning, drying, freezing, burying, fermenting.
Making the Most of Fresh, Local Food
Tues, Apr. 6, 7-9pm
*Learn how to prepare your kitchen for local, whole food preparation, recipes and participatory cooking demo.
Harvesting the Wild Food and Herbs
Tues, May 4, 7-8pm
*Foraging wild food in the summer and fall; using local herbs for healing.
Review of Breeding Projects in 2024
2 days ago