Recently, I have gone on a number of hunter/gatherer adventures to seek out new sources of sustinance. Since I have vowed to remove myself from the factory farming grid I have had a lot of time to rethink where and how I get my meat. And I'm not the only one... I have heard from many women who have either tried hunting or are interested in trying. Are you one of those women? I would love to hear from you. Please share your thoughts here.
Do you hunt/trap/fish? If so, what do you hunt/trap/fish? Where and by what methods?
What were your thoughts on hunting 5 years ago? What are they now? Has your idea of hunting, etc changed over time? If so, why? Include as many details as possible. If you do not want to post your comments in this public forum, please feel free to email your thoughts at:
I look forward to hearing your stories.
Review of Breeding Projects in 2024
4 weeks ago
I just found your blog today, hence the late response to your post. I am also a female hunter who harvested my first deer this year. I grew up going along with my dad hunting grouse in Wisconsin but never really expected to shoot anything. Long journey through life and school and geography and I landed in Montana almost 7 years ago. That journey also included a flirtation with vegan eating and a food revolution sparked by Michael Pollan and "The Omnivore's Dillemma". My husband is a hunter and I went with him, again not really expecting anything for a few years. This year, I was ready. My dad came out to hunt with us this year. My dad, my husband, another couple (very experienced hunters and our best man and maid of honor at our wedding) went out on a friend's ranch. Grandmas stayed with our babies and we all set out. We all saw a good size mule deer buck over the next ridge. Everyone said. "go for it!" One shot at 250 yards. It was one of the most intense experiences of my life, "what did I just do?" Pride, sadness,self sufficiency, honesty. I felt like I was being honest about eating meat. I now know the price that must be paid and I am willing to take responsibility for that. I understand and respect that life that was lost to feed my family. That is what hunting means to me